Every group planning to attend Spring Camp Needs to have a Certified First Aid volunteer and a volunteer. Every troop staying overnight should have an adult who has completed the Basic Overnight Training and every troop staying in an outdoor unit should have an adult who has completed Outdoor Overnight Training. Learn more about the requirements here:
Basic Overnight is an on-line training that can be completed via GS Learn. Log into MyGS to find out more.
Outdoor Overnight Workshop @ Camp St. Albans - In-Person Event- April 13-14
Outdoor Overnight Workshop @ Camp Evergreen - In-Person Event- April 20-21
First Aid | Learn How to Perform First Aid | Red Cross
EVERY SINGLE ONE of the adults your group brings to camp must be registered and background checked, with no exceptions. Every single adult your troop brings to camp must also be included on your TAST, so please get those adults registered before you submit your TAST.
Speaking of adults registered for camp: All adults who register for and attend camp and are not necessary for safety ratios will be assigned at least one Camp Kaper.
Required Paperwork
All troops must complete a Travel Application for Short Trips (TAST) form, which must be submitted by April 10 and approved prior to camp.
Please give yourself some time to work on this and give us some time to review and approve it. Completed TASTs should be emailed to Christina Ironside at: Christina appreciates your prompt submissions.
Have a copy of the Girl Permissions and Health History form and the Permission for Overnights form for each member of your group in a format you can access at camp:
Fall Camp will cost $35 per person attending, including adults and day campers. Electronic payment can be sent to: Please select "friends & family" for payment method, but if selecting "for goods & services" be sure to pay an extra 3% to cover fees.
Checks should be written to "GSWW SU 540" with the note "Spring Encamporee" in the subject and sent to:
c/o Eva R.
[address can be found on the registration form]